Tuesday, January 3, 2012



The black dragon dwells in the depths of the mystic waters

A Brief History - Why 12 Zodiac Animals?

During a time when humans did not have any way to distinguish one year from another, they pleaded to the Jade Emperor for help. In answering their cries for help, the Jade Emperor decided to create a Zodiac. He decided to invite all the animals of Earth to compete in the race. The top 12 animals to finish the race would represent one of 12 places on the Chinese Zodiac. The rat is one of the worst swimmers among all animals but while lacking in physical strength it was also one of the smartest animals. The rat and the cat which were actually best friends at the time were able to convince the generous ox to help them cross the river. The two of them stayed on the ox’s back. But as the ox slowly approached the shore, the rat realized that once they get onto dry land the cat can easily beat him to the finish line so he decided to push the cat into the water. (The cat never finished the race and this is why all cats hate rats and water). Once the ox crossed the river the rat jumped down from its back and finished the race as the first place. The third place finisher was the tiger, although not the best swimmer among animals it was by far the strongest. (There is no lion in Chinese legend, the tiger is known as the king of all animals.) It was able to power through the strong currents and finish third place. The rabbit finished the race seconds after the tiger had crossed the finish line. The Jade Emperor was curious as to how such a small animal could finish so early in the race. The rabbit told the emperor that it was hopping across the river using stones but during the halfway it slipped and almost drowned. Luckily it was able to grab onto a log and it washed him to the shore. The dragon was the fifth animal that crossed the finish line. The Jade Emperor was surprised that the dragon did not come in first. The dragon explained that during the race it flew across a village in need of water. It stayed there for a bit to make rain for the people of the village. Then as it was about to cross the finish line it saw the helpless rabbit flowing in the middle of the river and decided to send a little wind to help the rabbit cross the finish line. As the dragon was finishing the race, the horse was running towards the finish line. But right before it was able to cross the finish line the snake who has been hidden on the horse’s hoof the whole time suddenly jumped up and scared the horse. It finished sixth and the horse finished seventh. The emperor added the snake as the sixth zodiac and the horse the seventh. Then the goat, the monkey and the rooster came to the shore. The three helped each other out through the race and were added as the 8th, 9th and 10th zodiacs. The 11th finisher was the dog. Although known as the best swimmer among all animals it was tempted by the clean water in the river and decided to take a bath before finishing the race. Finally, the pig crossed the finish line a few hours after the dog finished the race. He had gotten tired and had taken a nap. (This is why the pig is considered lazy).

Use the chart to determine which zodiac animal you are

Rat will be quite happy and relaxed in the year 2012 this period will be successful for him if he will be optimistic and bold in his actions. Many projects will require attention but rat is better than the other zodiac signs in adapting to rapidly changing affairs, and responding to unexpected problems. 2012 will prove to be a stellar year full of achievement if you grab opportunities that come your way, especially in the month of March. Moving up the career ladder is a possibility if their intentions are clear, avoid assumptions, be transparent and honest as there might be a bit of communication difficulty. Not a year for procrastination, or leaving others to pick up the slack, resolve old problems early in 2012 to avoid obstacles later. Any shady business ideas will go very badly not a time for the lure of easy money. Multi-tasking, working late and hard will tire the rat but recovery is quick. An intense beginning of the year with clarity and plans to make after spring arrives.

Be proactive not fussy, avoid the impulsive nature rats are known for. Increased peace this year will test you and take you out of your comfort zone. Fate will be kind in matters of love if you can set aside your personal issues and focus on the new special someone. Things will be quiet enough in summer for vacation to regenerate for a fall with some obstacles. This year rat might put energy into work rather than relationships, your impulsive nature can cause some trials in this area if you are not careful. New love can be found after mid July. Any relationship difficulties will be due to actions the rat takes not betrayal by a partner, so think things out and avoid over-reacting.

Lucky months march July October – Lucky colors red, white, black

Most compatible in work and love are: monkey, dragon ox and rabbit

2012 brings business stress, but prospects never before dreamed of can open up now. Ox is never afraid of hard work but now he should be thinking about working smart instead, there will be some trials early in the year but perseverance wins the day. Efficiency, innovation, flexibility early on will be winning skills as there are new projects, or new jobs, or even a change in profession coming. Be open to acquiring new skills, make new friends and contacts, get involved with a charity (black dragon years favor those who do). Bulls like to charge in and batter open doors, this year tact and flexibility will open more doors, and 2012 requires more planning less spontaneity, and the ability to check and re-check will help avoid problems. Unemployed bulls will see new work, all bulls may discover a new trend, or expand; new friends help so maintain peaceful relations with everyone, it is not the time to stubbornly hold onto a point be a team player. Patience and strength will take you far, you may be chosen to take the lead on a project; summer will see money slowing and potential economic frustration but hold fast to the project funds will flow again in the fall.

Mated bulls will see harmony in 2012 if they are not too busy with work, be mindful of your changing moods, lack of restraint and ambition. Single bulls may meet a potential partner in the spring, watch for quarrels over summer be calm and restrained, things improve by fall which is an important time for business and relationship decisions as well. Relationships and business will fare much better if you read the fine print and carefully ponder all angles.

Lucky months January, March December – lucky colours are yellow and blue

Most compatible in work and love are: snake, rooster, rat, dog and rabbit

A good year for tigers – excitement, joy and lots of hard work. He feels he is in his element, he enjoys intensity and problem solving, it shows off his talents. Last year was a trial for tigers they were forced to adjust to slow movement, as if it were teasing his pride the stress of last year is in the past. Focus on all aspects love, money, home and career, strike a balance between them. Plan carefully do not overestimate your strength or make things too complex as it will only complicate things, quality over quantity. Tigers are able to take advantage of opportunities and could be much better off by year’s end if they are flexible and agile. Tiger has power and strength but at this time needs to work with partners and colleagues so being bold might be a hindrance, early successes that go to your head could lead you astray do not celebrate early set goals and see them through. Expand in spring, pay off credit cards, be ambitious, plan for the future but remain vigilant and stay the course there will be obstacles; keep your friends close you can’t do all of it alone.

Early 2012 is a good time to develop relationships, pay attention to your partner, if there are disputes solve them early, delays will be costly. Single tigers should seek their partners in spring and fall; summer work schedule will be too busy for new romance. April and May are about love so be ready.

Lucky months February, March and April – lucky colours are yellow and green

Most compatible in work and love are: snake, pig, sheep, rat, ox and tiger

Lucky Rabbit will not have as many problems as other signs, they can have great achievements if they wish. Mistakes of last year can be corrected; he has learned some great coping strategies and now can be in the spotlight and thrive. Dragon will aid those who take care of their homes, assist others, work on relationships and provide for their family all fine rabbit qualities. Rabbits who do not seek to gain simply from ambition but for the team or family will do well. Rabbits can still do well with less money, though never poor because of careful planning. Easy victories may lead you astray resolve problems early as they can grow and become major obstacles in future plans. It is time to make changes in how rabbit does things, education should be considered to expand future options. Rabbits should be wary of the great plans of others they may not be the best plans for rabbits, trust instinct not people. Energy rises in spring and a new job might become available but be logical and thoughtful before jumping in. Summer may seem boring and redundant, be efficient more interesting projects are coming take time for travel in July or august. Rabbits are great communicators and in the fall you will need it to complete projects

Relationships suffer early in 2012 employment and rapid gains can cause friction with a partner, do not take them for granted, be patient and kind or there will be trouble this is not a time to forget that rabbit works hard for his family not the adoration of others. Single rabbits might be indulgent in their romantic flirtations throughout the year as there may be an important twist of fate to pair you up in the fall. Believe in your powers of attraction, be confident.

Lucky months are March and early April – lucky colours are pink and green

Most compatible in work and love are: pig, sheep, rat, ox and tiger

Dragon is the master in 2012, and it’s a good thing because he will have to solve problems on the fly. Your charismas will be at an all-time high and people will seek you out for guidance and advice. People enjoy having you around and there is greater responsibility on the dragon this year to avoid letting little things catch you off guard later. Your generosity will help many and those who receive help will be appreciative. You must meditate and begin leading a more peaceful, healthier life. You might be inclined to shoulder a lot of work, be careful you are at risk of overestimating your own strength, balance is important. Dragon will be a winner; he is a person that will pave the hard but right path to success. Dragons are always in the thick of things, always in the spotlight, especially where creative collective affairs and mass cultural activities are planned. In the field of communication, Dragon will be able to establish many contacts, make friends and create a partnership, but his extroverted nature may attract the unworthy and dishonest be mindful of this. Challenges, lots but not severe, will cause you to develop skills without affecting the overall business undertaken. Give care and attention to the essence of your work, its goals and objectives as well as the planning. Dragons are wise if they avoid arrogance, aggression and excessive ambition, so their real gifts of communication and honesty will win friends and trusted partners. Early 2012 will require all the energy available to take on all the affairs that present themselves; there may be a crash if time is not taken to rest, be alert and take care of health. In spring there will be important decisions to change course if necessary be mindful of the dragon attitude there could be unnecessary conflict. Dragon will receive very handsome dividends for his work this summer. Dragon employees may seek a higher position, while Dragon who is a businessman - not a very active partnership of associates. The fall brings a calm period in Dragon's life. If a Dragon previously chose the correct direction, then during the fall period, he will be able to afford a vacation, relax, and take stock of 2012. In autumn, it is important to correct the errors in his activities and communication that were previously made so that such errors do not become an obstacle in planning for activities for the next year.

Married dragons will focus on improving his/her home. They are happy to buy gifts and necessities for the family, helping friends and relatives. In spring, relationship with a partner may be strained because of Dragon's busy schedule, but this time can be used to calm frayed nerves. In early 2012, a single Dragon may meet his/her love, and successfully develop and strengthen the relationship throughout the year.

Lucky months are April and may – lucky colours are black and gold

Most compatible in work and love are: pig, rat, monkey, snake and tiger

Snake will have difficulties but not pervasive - avoid sharp corners, and work calmly, make a plan, use intuition and natural wisdom. Snake can get swept away with big changes; there might be stiff competition in regards to a promotion. Keep finances in line as there might be unexpected expenses in April and again in June. Do not be misled by the grand schemes of others; turn around all possibilities and problems in affairs for the maximum benefit for yourself. Snake will be the winner in the end. In early 2012, the position of the planets is favorable for Snake's activities. But a representative of this zodiac sign, having reached some success in work, may make a mistake; significantly slowing down his operations, moving forward is the key to success hesitation will diminish effect. Snake's tendency to analyze, draw conclusions, and predict will be a good asset in planning. Spring brings conflict at work, gossip and behind the scenes activities muddy the waters, remain neutral so and avoid squabbles. End of spring might see a new job or position, avoiding conflict will pay off. Summer brings lots of work, avoid being a perfectionist, let others help, be open to ideas of others and you will do well, be pedantic and ignore others and there will be conflict.

Your social and personal life will be turbulent because of work commitments, try to find some balance, quiet comes in the fall, a good time to strengthen relationships, good news from family, friends might need help and snake is able to do so. Single snakes are charming, seductive and charismatic and will easily find a mate in 2012.

Lucky month is May – lucky colours are green and red

Most compatible in work and love are: ox, rooster, rat, monkey, and dragon

Dragon spirit and mood works well for horses in 2012; and like the black water dragon he loves parades, festivals, pageantry. Horse needs to be careful with using energies wisely choose activities carefully, to take on challenges and successes in his affairs. Horse will be in the spotlight, effective communication and people will help him see all the angles. It is a time of creativity be careful not to become overwhelmed and to plan carefully horses are enthusiastic and active and can sometimes take on too much, small details may trip you up later. New jobs, additional jobs or promotions abound, (March is a good time for a job change) and there will be significant increased earnings by spring when the horse gets his second wind and he can then clean up the loose ends. Summer will be busy new problems and new projects require time and energy, remember small details forgotten now will be future problems, slow down and pace yourself, paying close attention to communication; a lost phone message could bring on troubles. In the fall Horse should watch out for irritability, nervousness, fatigue…be mindful of your health, postpone big decisions take care of the things that need finishing before starting new things.

Horse will in a romantic mood, flirting and meeting new people, a single horse can find love just at the brink of 2012, a single horse will be ready for a landmark meeting with his/her destiny, be careful not to come on too strong they could bolt. There may be a lot of changes in the home front. Horses will get along well until summer when complications might arise adding tension and irritation, so keep jealousy and possessiveness in check. In autumn, Horse will be more flexible, wanting home comfort and stability rather than social connections. Spouses can afford a romantic vacation.

Lucky month is June – lucky colour is green

Most compatible in work and love are: tiger, dog, sheep and pig

Goats/Sheep/Ram can expect a relatively calm year, there will be minor challenges but goat can be successful if he takes steps to improve his communication skills. Be open to change and ready to adapt and you will do fine. Goats will be noticed they are clever, artistic, somewhat eccentric and he uses these talents best at his job. Goats fear failure, and mistakes and because of this any slip is a like a plunge off a cliff, so it is especially important for goats to find ways to stabilize mood, be mindful of sleep and work against becoming depressed. The middle of the year you may encounter a health issue if you are not careful. Any work issues will be self inflicted due to this instability. Goat will not however have financial difficulties but it is not a year of rapid growth, so be smart with your money to make possible gains noteworthy. The first part of the year is easier and luckier than the latter part so make it work to your advantage without arrogance because by spring ego can get goat into some troubles at work. Summer will be a calmer time and his tolerance for others mistakes will increase; be creative, cheerful and you may gain a reputation of being indispensable, credible and easy to work with.

In relationships, avoid being impulsive and taking on too much, goats can be selfish and passionate; avoid complicating your life, education in the social sciences, to learn how to interact rather than to dominate would be wise. Single goats can be successful in finding partners in spring and fall if they are willing to invest in romance, love is in the cards. There might be a friendship that takes a new turn to romance.

Lucky month is July – lucky colours are green and yellow

Most compatible in work and love are: rabbit, pig, horse, monkey and dog

Monkey, will have a productive year, work will be fast paced and somewhat intense, just how they like it; monkeys like problems so they can show their skills to their best advantage. They are generally optimistic seldom discouraged and more courageous than many other signs and this year will be a year for learning, time to specialize, or start a new line of work, change is something monkey does well. Avoid being impulsive and remember doing many things at once increases the likelihood of errors. Monkey needs to be involved in charity, it will help his communication, and connect him to others, as monkeys seldom do solitary things but often do things only for their own gain. In early 2012 seek a raise or higher position then be mindful not to provoke conflict with the new team, be patient, it is a time for learning and securing your future. Take a break from the hectic work schedule in June to relieve the pressure and find balance. July to November is a good time to change jobs if you wish. It will be intense, you will need to negotiate but show your best side and by fall new projects will be available that will be more interesting and pay off in the long run.

Married monkeys will try to keep relationship harmonious, if monkey does not provoke his partner things will flow smoothly and peacefully in the early part of 2012. The latter part of the year will see misunderstanding and irritation as monkey will be busy with work projects. Single monkey will not be into romance but flings and affairs will suit him for the first half of 2012 with thoughts of permanence in the latter part of the year and potential partners possible august to October.

Lucky months are august and September – lucky colours are red and black

Most compatible in work and love are: rat, dragon, snake and rooster

A terrific year for rooster strength, energy and lighthearted any challenges will be easily overcome; remember to set goals, aim high and do the work to get there. It’s time to move forward, or maybe upward; teamwork, attention to detail, listening skills, honest commitment and quick responses can launch your career. Your future is now! Show your stuff, it’s time to be serious about the next step. Be ambitious because the next phase will bring about a positive shift in friendships not just work associates. Self employed roosters need to build partnerships and be mindful of ego and arrogance. Roosters in the employ of others will have to compete for the new position watch your aggression, no point in making enemies on your way up, better to take on responsibilities to earn respect and credibility. Unemployed roosters will find a good job in spring be consistent in your work habits and it will go well. Finances will go smoothly in the summer, don’t sweat the small stuff there will be time for creative endeavors by fall but avoid new projects till others are completed, a potential promotion near the end of the year.

Relationships will begin turbulent, be less prideful, accept and correct knowing the second half of 2012 will bring calmer waters. Single roosters would do well to begin new relationships after the heat of July, this is the year you decide it is time for stability and long term relationship.

Lucky month is June and august – lucky colours are green and blue

Most compatible in work and love are: ox, snake, monkey and pig

Dog has a relaxed beginning of the year, the planets and black dragon both favour dog in 2012. Social and economic situations will be smooth and challenges will serve to launch dog forward. Decisions must be made quickly, decisively and accurately this is not a time to waver, nor is it time to be too trusting. Dog’s loyalty, effective communication, organization skills and likeable personality make him a welcome team member in work and social situations. It is said that dog is born old and gets younger with time so it is not true that old dogs can’t learn new tricks. It is a strong year in many aspects and might seem a bit intense in the beginning, remain calm be optimistic and see things through, planning will keep dog from doing too much at once and past issues with colleagues are settling. The challenges and difficulties from past years are waning and clarity is returning now is the time to establish strong alliances. Dogs in creative fields like the arts, design, architecture and entertainment will see a rise in demand for their services. In summer feed your soul, meditation and spiritual practices will help balance career, because the fall will move quickly with lots of projects and there will be little time for rest. The work will pay off with significant monetary rewards, and a potential new offer near the end of 2012.

Single dogs will seek a faithful and reliable partner and will succeed May through august, when they are willing to be the same, in the meanwhile enjoy the company of friends rather than quickly beginning and just as quickly ending multiple romantic trysts which will leave dogs tired and lonely. Your summer will be too self absorbed for romance fall is a better time for finding a mate. Married dogs will start the year easily enough but summer might bring some tension be mindful of the feelings of others and it will be smooth again by fall.

Lucky months may & august for love October & December for career – lucky colour is yellow

Most compatible in work and love are: tiger, horse, sheep and pig

The Pig will see victories, new opportunities interesting work and material prosperity in 2012, manage your affairs well and it will be a stellar year, remember to go with the flow.

The Pig is an open, cheerful and good-natured character and his love of helping his fellows will endear him to them; there will be lots of visitors. 2012 is a terrific year if pig does not get carried away with all the enjoyable offers, he must balance work and play. If you are bored at work stay the course it is not time to move on, gather your resources because a better time for change is coming. Investments might be too risky for you at present postpone any quick decisions, there might be additional financial pressure plan ahead. Get involved in charities and projects to help with boredom, and get exercise to prevent depression. Be social friends and partners will help with difficulties; rather than running from old sticky situations take a new tact at resolving them a moment of weakness can be your downfall ask for help and take as well as give support. Keep your friends close, because you trust too easily you could be scammed watch for the too good a deal from a new associate. Autumn brings expansion in business bringing in new money for self employed pigs. Pigs who are employees might take this time to begin their own business. November and December are most auspicious for ambitious undertakings, maybe even a new career. Be mindful of weight and health issues in winter.

Pig's personal life will not be quiet, but it will certainly be a happy one, if you bring your partner along to all the varied activities, and when they decline spend a quiet night and build your relationship. If your relationship has been turbulent and both parties deem it necessary to part, do so early in 2012 because spring may bring a promising new romance. Summer bodes well for pig relationships, so single pigs that are not so picky and pedantic that they frighten potential mates, will be ready to begin a long term romance.

Lucky month November – lucky colour is dark blue

Most compatible in work and love are: rabbit, sheep, tiger, dragon, horse, and dog